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COVID-19 Policy

All of us have been affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and I have missed being able to offer you the treatments that I know you love.  I am really looking forward to welcoming you back.

My priority is to keep you as safe as possible and prior to reopening,  I have implemented a number of changes in line with guidelines issued by the Government, NHS, other relevant authorities and my own professional association, the Federation of Holistic Therapists, which I would like to make you aware of.

COVID-19 Risk Assessment

I have carried out a full risk assessment, in line with guidance from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), in order to:

  • identify what work activity or situations might cause transmission of the virus;

  • think about who could be at risk;

  • decide how likely it is that someone could be exposed to the virus; and to

  • act to remove the activity or situation, or if this isn’t possible, control the risk

I have also completed the Coronavirus Awareness Course with Skills for Health, Control of Cross Infection in a Post COVID-19 World with Jennifer Young, Hand Hygiene with the World Health Organisation and a Barbicide COVID-19 course. I have since made a number of changes to the way I operate that you will notice when you next visit.

Booking Appointments

Prior to seeing any of my clients, I will be:

  • monitoring my own and my family’s health and deferring treatments if anyone has COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19

  • contacting my clients 24 hours in advance and deferring any treatments if: they have COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19; are clinically extremely vulnerable and shielding; anyone in their household has COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19; they have been in close contact with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days; they have been contacted by the NHS Test and Trace Service and told to self isolate

  • asking my clients to call and cancel and defer treatment on the morning of their appointment if they have a temperature or other symptoms of COVID-19

For new clients, consultations may be completed online, over the phone or via a video call before attending their appointment.

Attending Your Appointment

For your safety and to maintain social distancing , I ask that you attend your appointments as close to the appointment time as possible. Please do not turn up early as this may mean that you come into contact with other clients who are just leaving.  If you are early, please wait in your car and text me to let me know you have arrived.

Please ensure you have been to the toilet before arriving for your appointment.

Please ensure you have checked your temperature before arriving.

You will be asked to use hand sanitiser on arrival which I will have available.

You will be required to wear a face covering so please ensure you have one with you.

Please also ensure you have a pair of socks to wear to avoid bare feet on the floor.

Please don't be surprised or upset with my use of personal protective equipment (PPE) during your visit and during your treatment.

This will include a visor and may include face coverings, disposable gloves or aprons, depending on the treatment you have booked for and to meet current guidelines.

If you wish to have a blanket over you during treatment, please bring one with you.

I have introduced enhanced cleaning and hygiene measures in between clients, which includes washing and disinfecting any non-porous surfaces and therapy equipment, such as chairs and couches.

Single use items used during a treatment will be bagged and disposed of safely after use in order to protect you from any risk of cross infection.

I have reduced the soft furnishings in the room and can confirm that the laundering of towels, covers and uniforms is a priority and can assure you that all laundry is washed at 60°C.

My treatments

I have carried out a risk assessment on all treatments and I am confident that I can continue to provide these safely, however, it may be necessary for me to adapt or restrict certain treatments, in order to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 and/or protect my clients’ health and safety. Any clients likely to be impacted will be advised as soon as possible.

During your treatment

Please note that while many treatments involve close contact, I will be observing social distancing measures wherever possible. This might include, for example, maintaining an appropriate distance during the consultation process and when arriving and leaving for an appointment.

Strict personal hygiene measures will be adhered to, including regular handwashing and sanitising in accordance with NHS recommendations.

I will make your treatment as safe, comfortable and enjoyable as possible. If you have any concerns about your treatments please let me know and I will do what I can to resolve them.

After the treatment

Please bring your own bottle of water to drink.

To avoid the handling of cash, I would prefer if you could pay for your treatment by bank transfer but I will still accept cash if that is all you have to hand. I do not currently accept card payments.

All of these procedures have been implemented for your safety and mine. I will continue to take advice from the Government and the NHS regarding safe practice and will amend them as necessary.

Thank you for your understanding.

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